Monday, December 3, 2012

Flight Review

In my opinion Flight is definitely one of the best movies of the year. Robert Zemeckis has finally come back into the live action scene after a few animated efforts, and he did not disappoint. He has crafted a phenomenal movie with a fantastic and emotional story about addiction and inner anguish.

With Denzel Washington at the lead it is almost a guarantee that we are going to see another great performance, but he really outdid himself in this one even topping his performance in Training Day. This is by far his best acting job to date and if he weren't up against some great competition this year I would think it was a guaranteed Oscar win for him. This supporting cast is great as well, with a Bruce Greenwood also giving a career best performance and while it was a small part we got another great use of John Goodman who could be looking at a supporting actor academy award this year.

Those thinking the plane crash is the main storyline in the movie are going to be disappointed though, this story isn't really about the crash. Its a story about a man's addiction and it definitely works. Zemeckis has crafted and extremely emotional story that I think a lot of people can connect with. It can be depressing and inspiring at the same time, and the cast makes you fully committed to every scene in a way I haven't experienced in a long time.

Zemeckis proved that he can still create heartbreaking and amazing live action stories and I hope he continues with live action for at least a couple more movies.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Top 20

I decided to put together a list of my top 20 favorite movies. This was put together pretty quickly, so I might have forgotten about a few.

1. Inception
2. The Departed
3. Fight Club
4. Sunshine
5. The Matrix
6. Casino Royale
7. Snatch
8. Goodfellas
9. Skyfall
10. Star Wars
11. Casino
12. The Boondock Saints
13. American Gangster
14. The Social Network
15. Seven
16. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2
17. The Dark Knight Rises
18. Twelve Monkeys
19. The Dark Knight
20. Flight